Saturday, February 1, 2014

Young's 30days challenge is going well

  Hi. everyone.
  It's snowing outside.  celsious is zero. It may get many snow.

  My challenge was fourth. First was borrow and read a book once a week. It's going well.
Second was write the story. I bought a note for writing and  wrote one stroy now. But I think I need somebody help.
Marcella. If you have a time could you please check my story maybe one a week?
Third was study grammar to use computer for an hour three times a week. It's going well too. Fouth was to make friends. When I play squash usually my partner is who speaks English. I try that time. sometime they couldn't understand me. but I'll try more than more

  If Marcella didn't give assignments us we haven't tried speaking, writing, reading and listening out of class.  I'm very thakful to Marcella for teaching and giving assignments.  Keep pushing us.

  Have a great weekend.

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