Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Dear Class,

Thanks for writing a blog post about your strengths and weaknesses for Assignmnet 5.
It is a good first effort.

Now I would like to Fine-tune it (make it better, stronger, more focused)

This week, I would like you to make some changes to what you wrote about your weaknesses.
Here is a simple formula to use:

1. DEFINE:  One of my weaknesses is that I can be _____________________
2. REALIZE PROBLEM:  I realized this was a problem because_____________
3. SOLUTION:  I am working on being more _______ by doing ____________

Susan's Example:
One of my weaknesses is that I can be too focused on one task or project that I don't pay attention to my emails until the project is finished. I realized this was a problem when my co-workers were frustrated with me for not responding to their questions or requests on time. I am working on paying attention to my emails by setting a routine for checking them 3 times a day - first in the morning, again at lunch and finally before the end of the workday.

Please finish your changes for Monday, March 3.


  1. One of my weakness is that i can be too worried about small problems such as making lunch for my kids and i panic if i cant make food on time, i feel very unorganized. i realized this was a problem because it is making me very tired. even if my children are not home or i am very sick i still go in the kitchen to make food. I am working on being more caring about myself because health comes first and now days i am teaching my daughter to cook so she can help me when i cant be in the kitchen.

  2. One of my weakness is that i can be too worried about small problems such as making lunch for my kids and i panic if i cant make food on time, i feel very unorganized. i realized this was a problem because it is making me very tired. even if my children are not home or i am very sick i still go in the kitchen to make food. I am working on being more caring about myself because health comes first and now days i am teaching my daughter to cook so she can help me when i cant be in the kitchen.
