Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Granddaughters--for 30 days-14

Saturday, Febrary 1st, 2014
I have been at my daughter's house for 9 days. Every day I play with my granddaughters. We do homework, play games, tell stories and watch TV together. When their parents go to work and they are at home, I have to take care of them. I order them to do home works and play piano. Sometimes they are bored with playing piano or  doing homework, they need to have break. Sometimes they have break too long to finish their jobs.
Maybe I spoil my granddaughters a little bit. Sometimes, I stop their parents from blaming my granddaughters. Whose grandparents don't spoil their grandchildren? But, of course, I know that spoiling is not good. When my kids were children, I was strict father yet. If they didn't finish their homework I sometimes make them time out. More than 30 years passed and I often remembered how I  taught my kids. Though children need care, they also need teaching.

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