Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Assignment 4

Hello Students,
This week our assignment is about YOU:

Please describe yourself: 1. What are you like? 2. What do you like?
Give some examples (proof).  For example:
I am an out-going, hard-working person and I can be organized if I am doing a project. I like to take on new challenges and and I like to relax with my friends by playing hockey, eating out at the local pub and going to the library for their free programs with my kids.

This is good practice for when you meet new friends or when you are in an interview. Often when you are in an interview, they will ask you to describe yourself. Take the time to practice talking about yourself now!

I look forward to reading about you!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation really you are organized,active, bold,always get ahead,out going,competitve
