Tuesday, January 21, 2014
I have been in Canada for more than three years. I had experienced Canada's winter and known how cold it was, but I was shocked at so low temperature today. It was -24, the real feel was -33!
I decided to go to school. I leaked a little air out my bicycle tires in order to increase friction between the tires and ground suffice. I wore the thermal undershirt, the thick down jacket with a hood, the tuque, the gloves and the boots. I was bundled up against cold. In the morning, I rode my bike to the school. A chill wind blew against my face and I felt it in my bones through my clothes. I felt my blood would have frozen. In order to study English, run!
I hate Canadian winter and I also hate Chinese summer. In China the summer is very hot. The air were so wet, that I could almost drink it and hardly breath. If I were to live in Canada in the summer and to live in China in the winter, how nice it would be!
I like your climate dream Dalson!