Friday, January 31, 2014

30 days Enlish challenge

Happy Chinese New Year every one !
Kung Hei Fat choy!
Today is the fist day of Chinese New Year,normally at my home country the Chinese people always take a few day off from work to celebrate their New Year. Now for me I'm also have abit time off from baby sitting my grand-son , to talk about 30 days  Enlish challenge.
I'm agree with this idia it's very good activity to improve  my English. But unfortunately I didn't   twrite my 30 days English challenge because I'm finding my challenge is difficult .cause  I don't have enought time to focus on homework  and also my vocabulary is too I'm planing to watch some cartoon movie with my grand-son few times a week if I could and try to make more time to lean new words .because English is my best language that I like it .

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