Monday, December 2, 2013


                                                            "Canada is Cold".

          In the winter it  is important to dress properly. It is good idea wear a toque on your head and winters scarf to protect your neck . If you want to keep warm, you can wear thermal underwear, gloves or mittens and boots. People try to scape the frozen weather by  having a hot coffee or tea. If you have to go outside make sure you bundle up like  mummy because Canada is cold!


  1. Haha! you always make me laugh Leydi!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Haha! In the winter a beautiful girl looks like a mummy in Canada! I think the most of girls must hate the Canada's winter like me, although we have different reasons. Could you tell me what does "Try to scape" mean? Thank you very much!
