Sunday, March 2, 2014

Strengths and weakness

No one is perfect! Exactly, whoever has been born in the world have Strengths and Weakness and including me.

- My I'm not sure, maybe, I'm a good listener who can stay close to you and hear you talk about yourself, your love, your fun or sad story, your feelings about something, your problem in life and so on. Sometimes, I can give you a sensible solution for yourself, or just be a simple friend who can make you feel better. Ya! Maybe...

-My weakness... I'm so shy, not outgoing and not talkative when I'm in big group. I don't know why. My best friends say :"I'm very different when I go with them". Exactly, I'm a really different person when I go with them, because I'm talkative, outgoing, and humorous... I realized this was a problem when my best friends told me. Ya! That's a big weakness...

 Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Very good! Tell me how you are working on the problem.
